Sunday, 17 August 2014

Straight Out Of Camera Week 30 "Corrosion"

This weeks theme was set by Bruce and is Corrosion. I like this theme because for me it's all about composition. There are plenty of old rusty bits of metal laying around all over the planet because lets be honest, as a species, we don't give a shit. Life and the contents of it are disposable like never before. Things are discarded rather than repaired and replaced with a new thing that will be discarded in the future and so on and so forth. Anyway, that's enough ranting.

This is one of a set of images I took for this theme, and its my favourite for two reasons. Firstly, I like the composition, and tried hard to go for a point of view that added interest to the image.
Secondly, I went old school with this one. Using my trusty 50mm prime, I used an old Blue filter from my old film gear to get a massive contrast boost on the chain and bring out the texture. I have a big stack of filters from the days of film, so given the success of this one I might have to play with some more later.

This is part of a sluice gate on the river that runs close to where I live. When the river swells because of heavy rain, it is cranked open to release some of the water into the adjacent drainage ditches, then eventually when they are also full it just floods our village.

As always, check out the other numptys and their stuff .


  1. Anonymous8/18/2014

    Like it. The chain appears to actually be specled due to the rust, shooting like you did. Good job.

    1. Thank you Mate, for this comment and for your continued interest in the whole project. Maybe you wont be so busy for the next one and could join us again :-)

  2. So, did you use the filter on your DSLR shooting in B&W mode? Clever boy. I used to have some filters for my film camera, but don't think I do anymore. I know I had a red one that did some interesting things. It's not my favorite image of yours, but it's interesting. The handle is a little overexposed, but the chain is about perfect I think, as is the background. The composition is pretty good too. honestly I don't know what I don't like about it, it's a great photo.

    1. Yes mate, the 49mm filters fit snugly inside the 50mm rim of my 50mm f/1.8 and I shot in B&W mode on the dslr. I have a load more that I might play with now :-) And make your mind up if you like it or not ;-)

  3. Love the composition and the choice of going B&W and you pulled out some great textures here. Those old film techniques sure was put in excellent usage here. I loved to photograph even back in the film days but I had a really crappy 35mm camera with a fixed lens and no dials to play with (almost like a disposable except it wasn't a disposable) so I never learned any real techniques and had no filters or anything so it wasn't until I got hold of diigtal cameras around 99 that I got back into photography after a good 6-7 years out of it and it wasn't until 2007 that I actually got a dSLR because at that point I was so tired of all the limitations of P&S cameras and had been outgrowing my bridge camera that I had and wanted something better.

    Great job on this image. Could easily see this hanging on a wall in a house or a gallery.
