Sunday, 1 June 2014

Straight Out Of Camera Week 21 "Remember"

This weeks theme was set by Loc and was "Remember"
I was struggling with this theme all week, I considered shooting a war memorial, and then changed my mind. I also considered shooting something to remind me of lost loved ones, and although I was fine doing this I wanted to avoid upsetting others so I abandoned that Idea too.

It wasn't until this afternoon that I sat down to spend some time with Max that the idea hit me. We were playing with LEGO and it used to belong to my brother and I when we were younger. So it set about a good trip down memory lane of me and my bro building stuff (And falling out about some rare pieces) and of the unrivalled pain of standing on this stuff barefoot :-)  Some of the bits in the box were still intact from stuff we had built many years ago. It's cool that even after getting on for 25 years old this stuff is now being enjoyed by my son.

So this is the image, this stuff set off a massive bout of sentimental memory for me, and I hope that Max gets as much fun and use out of it as we did.
It was shot using a C1980 summin Canon FDn 85mm f/1.8 if you're interested :-)
Check out the others guys stuff if you have 10 mins to kill and want a good read .


  1. Is that you and your brother shoveling through the bricks then? Nice color here. I like the setup. Good story, I'm a huge fan of LEGO also, as you well know. Good times and glad my kids like them too.

    1. That was loosely the idea mate yes. It's not often I shoot this stuff but I think I might utilise it more often. It's quite an interesting subject matter. Cheers fro the comment mate.

  2. The clarity of the pieces is ridiculous! Nice job on this. I, too, am a big fan of LEGO. We are doing a LEGO party for my son this upcoming Saturday. It is his 4th birthday party.

    1. Cheers Bruce. Yeah this old lens is razor sharp, and as is the norm for older things is built very well. It's without a doubt the best Glass I currently have, and a lot of people rate these old FD lenses as better quality optically than the modern L series equivalent. Hope your boy has a good time, and that he can prise you off his LEGO long enough to play with it himself ;-)

  3. Love the DoF. Very well done again... Can you please stop it? I mean I get tired of saying great image and well done etc... Can't you create some crappy or at least mediocre images ;)

    I to had a thought of doing a picture of a lost one for this but I ran out of time before I needed to leave and join up with the wife and kids that left for WDW numerous days a head of me (I made the decision I had to stay behind to take care of work/business before I could join them). We had recently lost wifes ex brother in law to metastasized spinal cancer. Due to our travels over Christmas and New Years last year he didn't come over for Christmas which he normally been doing and due to his schedule as a long distance haul truck driver and our schedule we never got together so his Christmas present have been sitting on a side table in the great room and now we will never get a chance to give it to him, from the time he knew and informed us about the cancer untll his passing was less than two months. He was more of a brother to my wife than her sister was a sister. For many years he been the one that always come to visit us for Thanksgiving and Christmas. After he and wifes sister separated he didn't want to come if his ex would be there so she never got invited but of course the sisters have had "issues" for many years and for at least the last 7 years if not longer have not been on talking terms even. But the ex brother in law have always been there but is now gone. So my picture I was planning but never got the time to take was of his undelivered Christmas present still sitting on the end table. As of right now the present is still sitting there. Come Christmas time we will probably open it for him and being that it's coffee beans will brew a fresh cup of joe in memory of him.
